Guitar lessons” can do far more than just provide us a new technical ability. Several studies have shown that children who take “music classes” do better with standardized testing while also doing better in study, overall.

By having us come to your home, for “guitar lessons near me” we take the stress out of travel and reduce the amount of extra time you may not have to spend. We will travel to you so that you or your child, can focus solely on “learning guitar efficiently”

When Ben started teaching, he explored several different methods to see which works best for the specific individuals he is working with.

“I have had hundreds of my guitar students rave about how quickly they learned to start playing, let alone how much fun they had getting a seemingly difficult new skill down.

all “guitar skills” will be covered, you choose the order

Lessons for Beginner to Advanced

First things first! Mechanics; how you hold the guitar is paramount. Picking techniques, crucial exercises and proven methods for hand stretching with correct muscle development is very important. Learning the fretboard and identification of notes makes theory fun and easy to understand! We will also learn the treble clef and note identification if that is the direction you’d like to go in.

With the proper mechanics in place; chords, scales, and application is the logical next step. Building endurance, a steady practice schedule and composition become exciting. Scale and Chord theory is very important for advanced players that could use some help with where to take your musical progressions. Also bear in mind, that some mechanical adjustments will lead to improvements that can make the seemingly impossible happen for you