Drum Lessons

Private drum lessons are available throughout the Phoenix area from the comfort of your home or in our home studio. We can help you make learning this new skill much easier. Drums are a great instrument to learn. As a beginner it is important to learn stick control and note value counting for great time keeping and solid technique. Since the best way to learn drums is by playing with other musicians, along with songs, and doing your rudiments, we have all that you need to get started the best way or continue on with what you have already learned. There is such a wide variety of music that drums actually define; Rock, Jazz, Metal, Folk, Country, Rhythm And Blues, Gospel, Dance Music these are just some of them, the list goes on. If you think about it, the drummer tends to make or break a great rhythm section. That's not to discount the Bass Player, though drums can liven music with those that play simple root note structures and keep good time only.

The choices drummers make for parts of songs are a major factor in the feel and movement of the whole mix. You, as the one playing the drums are representing the entire frequency range from the highs of the cymbals to the lows of the Kick or Bass Drum and the Tom Drums. That's a big job and if your timing is shifty, so is the rest of the music. Whether the other players are keeping good time or not can seem irrelevant to the drummer's timing if it isn't solid.

Our program is designed to grow with you on a personal level so that lessons are helpful to what you are looking to accomplish. We want our students to be engaged, be able to play with musical accompaniment, have fun and appreciate volume control for instance. Jamming songs with Benjamin is a sure fire way to do just that. We encourage our drummers to play during the week between lessons, as well, to implement what we are working on and achieve naturalizing the control of “musical feeling” that the rest of the ensemble is relying on. This is done for a band's solidarity.

Good drummers are hard to find and are always busy in the local music scene. Great drummers can write their own ticket. You'll always have a job with music gigs if you can become one of them. Perfect practice makes perfect players.