Learning an Instrument as an Adult

Welcome back! At Amazing Mobile Music Instruction, we have students of all ages and all levels. Beginners, intermediate, and advanced players. When anyone starts or continues music lessons with us, we are happy to be a part of it. Benjamin loves his job and it always shows.

Is It Too Late For Me?

It is never too late to pick up an instrument. “I think everyone can play music. I teach older beginners all the time. If you are interested, you can be good at anything you put your mind to. If you play an instrument and enjoy doing it, there will be a lot of positive results. Setting realistic expectations can be helpful, of course. Learning one song at a time, getting to know the treble and bass clefs, learning music theory, rhythm and counting, fun improvisation, and/or simple notation can get interesting, quickly. The best possible physical mechanics for playing your chosen instrument are very important. You've already waited. Start now, it's awesome.

Advantages Of Starting Later

When you begin learning music later in life, you will find that you gain a better understanding of music’s theory and structure more quickly than you thought. Since, you are choosing to learn and play, it'll automatically be less work to find motivation. You already know that working hard for something you want offers great rewards. You are aware that most excuses are just reasons not to try. If we never start, then we have already failed and that goes for any of our endeavors.

The Idea Makes Me Anxious

Starting something new or taking on any challenge can create anxiety. Choosing to learn a musical instrument can automatically create unnecessary anxiety in some, even BEFORE they see what they have to offer the field. There are a great many personal reasons for this. Assuming issues will arise before you start can zap your motivation for giving it a try. Do your best to look at it like it's an outlet that reduces anxiety and promotes joy in your life, because it actually does just that. 

Beginning or continuing to learn anything takes work, honestly. You can enjoy that work. You may have to learn how to do that. With playing comes progress and in a short time, you will see results. If you learn something today that you didn't know yesterday, you are already successful. Allow yourself to enjoy the journey. It's not as helpful to focus on the possible shortcomings you may or may not have. Judge your results after you start and do your best.

Thank you for reading, join us next time when we discuss learning a new song. As always, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and  Pinterest! 


The Motivation for Learning as an Adult